
City & Sea Regulations

Apartment - a flat, described in detail in the offer presented on the website, which is rented by the client for a temporary stay for tourist or leisure purposes.

Client - a natural or legal person who is a party to a contract for temporary use of a dwelling (rental agreement for an Apartment for a holiday or tourist stay) at the disposal of City & Sea

§ 1 General provisions

1. This document regulates the rules of making a reservation, canceling a reservation, methods and terms of payment for the reservation, confirmation of booking and complaints in the City & Sea facility. Making a reservation is tantamount to reading and accepting the provisions of the Regulations.

2. The prices listed on the Facility's website are gross prices (including VAT).

a. The transaction is concluded in PLN. Prices in other currencies are indicative and are converted at the approximate rate.

3. The booking agreement is concluded with the operator of the online reservation system (the Hotres System is operated by, Roman Korczyński, ul. Młyńska 12A, 58-570 Jelenia Góra, NIP: 611-227-24-45 "Operator") acting on behalf and for the Facility operated by City & Sea.

4. The general terms and conditions of using the premises constitute an inseparable part of the Apartment booking agreement for a holiday or tourist stay concluded between the Client and City & Sea, or the representative of City & Sea.

5. City & Sea declares that, under the contract with the owner of the apartment, hereinafter referred to as the Apartment, it is authorized by virtue of the tenancy management to provide services of temporary provision of the Apartment to Customers for short-term stays.

§ 2 Reservations

1. The current database of Apartments for short-term tourist rental is available at

2. The Customer may book the Apartment in the following way:

a. on-line, via the website

b. by e-mail, by sending a request to

c. by phone at +48 609 235 700

3. After booking the Apartment on-line or by e-mail, the Customer receives a confirmation to the e-mail address provided by him, which contains the necessary information about the reservation.

4. In the case of making a reservation by phone, confirmation of the reservation is made by phone. This is tantamount to concluding a contract on the terms specified in the regulations.

5. An apartment can be booked for a period of at least 2 days.

6. Photos and furnishings of residential premises as well as prices given on the website are indicative. The current condition of the Apartment and the rental price are given in the confirmation received after booking or in a telephone conversation.

7. The fee for renting the Apartment covers the stay in the Apartment of a certain number of people agreed at the time of booking.

8. After making the reservation, the client is obliged to pay 30% of the reservation value to the provided bank account. The remaining part of the cost of renting the Apartment can be paid by the Client by bank transfer to the City & Sea account or upon collection of the keys.

§ 3 Changes and cancellations by the Customer

1. Any changes to the booking are allowed only through City & Sea employees.

2. City & Sea reserves the right to refuse to make changes if it is not possible for objective reasons.

3. In the event of withdrawal from the contract one day before the date of arrival, the Customer is not entitled to a refund of the paid reservation fee.

4. In the event of shortening the stay, the Customer is not entitled to a refund for the unused days in the Apartment.

5. No-cost cancellation of the booking is possible up to 14 days before arrival.

§4 Changes and cancellations by City & Sea

1. In exceptional situations (force majeure, which is understood as natural disasters, seizure by any state authority, strikes, wars, riots and the apartment supplier's consumption of electricity, gas, heating energy or water, termination of the contract by the apartment owner), City & Sea reserves the right to the right to:

a. Provision of a replacement apartment with parameters, area and location similar to the apartment booked. If the Customer does not consent to the replacement apartment, the contract is terminated and City & Sea is obliged to return the paid reservation fee to the Customer.

b. Withdrawal from the contract.

§5 Procedure for the Customer's stay

1. The Customer is obliged to provide City & Sea information about the estimated time of arrival to the Apartment, at least 1 day before the date of arrival. Notifications can be made by phone or e-mail at

2. The hotel day starts at 3:00 pm on the day of arrival and lasts until 10:00 am on the day of departure.

3. Free accommodation takes place between 15: 00-20: 00. If the arrival is planned at other times, the Customer is obliged to notify and obtain approval from City & Sea website and paying the additional arrival fee.

4. The keys to the apartment are delivered to the client upon arrival at the apartment.

5. Departure and key return are arranged with a City & Sea employee.

6. The customer is obliged to leave the object in a condition not deteriorated in relation to the condition in which it was received.

7. The client is obliged to use the apartment in accordance with its intended purpose, not to remove any elements of equipment and decorations, and undertakes not to copy the keys given to him during the stay.

8. There is a curfew from 22:00 to 6:00. Moreover, the customer is obliged to comply with the health and safety and fire protection rules of the facility. All behaviors disturbing the peace of residents result in immediate termination of the contract under pain of losing the total amount for the stay in the apartment.

9. The Customer is obliged to secure the Apartment in the event of leaving it, locking the windows and the front door with a key.

10. In the event of a gross violation of the rules set out in the regulations, City & Sea has the right to terminate the contract with immediate effect and remove the Customer together with accompanying persons from the Apartment.

11. The Client is also financially responsible for any damage caused to the Apartment, caused by his fault or by his guests. In such a situation, City & Sea reserves the right to charge the guests with an amount equal to the losses suffered and to charge the Customer's credit card for such damages after departure.

12.Smoking in the apartments is strictly prohibited. A fine of PLN 500 will be imposed on the customer for not complying with the ban. This amount is the equivalent of the costs incurred by City & Sea for washing curtains and bedspreads in the apartment as well as for ozonation of the apartment.

§6 Contact details

City & Sea uses the following contact details:

Website address:

E-mail address:

Telephone number: +48 609 235 700

§7 Complaints

1. Klient ma możliwość skorzystania z prawa do reklamacji usługi, stosownie do obowiązujących przepisów prawa. Podstawą do rozpatrzenia reklamacji jest pisemnie zgłoszony wniosek osobiście lub mailowo

2. City&Sea rozpatruje reklamacje w terminie 14 dni od dnia otrzymania wniosku.

3. Zawiadomienie o decyzji rozpatrzenia reklamacji zostaje przesłana klientowi na wskazany adres poczty elektronicznej lub drogą telefoniczną.

+ 48 609 235 700